Our FEATURED Keynote Speaker KALKIDAN KEBEDE GASHAWTENA is a Legacy Business Leader whose purpose is to inspire current and aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders globally. Kalkidan is on a mission to share with the world how regardless of what circumstances you are born into, with faith and determination anything is possible. In spite of experiencing the dramatic psychological and physical loss of his father at a young age, facing hardships as a student in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during the era of the military junta, moving to Berlin, Germany as a student in another country, having to learn the language in order to attend the school and many other challenges, he manages to overcome and become a successful engineer, founder of a very successful engineering firm and now going back to his homeland of Ethiopia to build a waste to energy plant.

Kalkidan is a consultant in international project management of the engineering and construction field, with a specific focus on the Energy Sector. Having a surplus of leadership and managerial experience and being involved in international dynamic sectors, Kalkidan eventually entered the Energy Sector. He founded Covenant Engineering GmbH, a solely owned company specifically focusing on creating participation of highly qualified and skilled women and men in this vital sector.
Kalkidan is personally involved in many philanthropic activities and through his involvement in both business and social-economic development programs, he is committed to serving the people with the aim to impact the lives of people he meets, by serving them with Love and Compassion, giving them Direction and Hope to face the future.